Hair ColorWhat You Need To Know

Changing your hair color or covering up the gray may boost your self-esteem, but it may also harm your health.

What To Avoid
Coal-tar dyes:Coal-tar dyes are often used in hair dyes. The U.S. EPA has found that long-term exposure to coal-tar dyes can result in severe skin and eye irritation, and even asthma. Certain coal-tar dyes have been shown to contain chemicals that can cause cancer and harm nervous and reproductive systems.
Lead acetate:The Lead acetate chemical in these dyes is prohibited in all cosmetics and hair dyes in Europe and Canada. It was banned in hair dyes just a few years ago (2021) by the US FDA. Studies have increasingly indicated a link between the use of hair dyes and an increased lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, especially among professional hair stylists.
Find Safer Products
Websites and Apps:
Clearya is a free browser extension and app that notifies you when there are unsafe ingredients in your makeup, personal care, baby care, cleaning and other products, and helps you find safe products.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics - Nontoxic Black Beauty Project
They offer a list and database of non-toxic beauty products made and sold by Black-owned companies that are committed to toxic-free beauty and personal care products.
Detox Me
This app allows you to scan barcodes on products to find relevant tips. They also offer a buying guide to decode product labels and find non-toxic alternatives.
Environmental Working Group (EWG)
EWG has a "Skin Deep" database that rates personal care and beauty products based on their safety and toxicity levels. EWG also offers a Healthy Living app that allows you to scan barcodes and find safer products.
Think Dirty
This app and website allow you to scan or search for personal care products to see their ingredient safety ratings.